Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tinker Bell Smoothie (Green Smoothie)

Smoothies are a staple in our house around breakfast time. We make all sorts of flavors, one of my favorites is full of peanut butter and strawberries! But the Tinker Bell smoothie as Addisyn calls it, cause it's green and reminds her of Tinker Bell,  is a huge hit lately. It's also the prefect way to get some extra greens in our diet.


Here are some of the ingredients we use, we change it up a bit depending in whats in the house.

Bananas, Kale or spinach, frozen mangos, frozen pineapple, orange or clementine, and water.
Blend and enjoy!

We make extra and freeze them into popsicles, they are a great heathy treat!

Happy blending!

Monday, December 12, 2011


Among all the wonderful families we have met here in Monterey we have met 2 vegan ones and as luck would have it they live on our street! We got together this Thanksgiving and together created an amazing vegan meal. Here are a few pics!
